Sunday, April 8, 2007

Mother Of All Blunders

Washington Post
Ms. Parker forgets that the military here, as well as in the United Kingdom, consists of volunteers.

I was one of them, and I politely request that Ms. Parker put her nose back where it belongs. While I don't want to be raped or tortured, I also don't want anyone else to be raped or tortured - and the things that were done to people I know in Vietnamese POW camps are no more acceptable because they were done to men.

Everyone who joins the military knows of the tiny risk of that happening to them, and they volunteer anyway. I can't imagine what she is talking about in differentiating the rape of women by men and men by whomever, other men I assume. I would like to challenge her spurious logic with another bit of it: since the rape of men by women most resembles sexual relations as God created it, and the rape of men by men is abnormal and an abomination (I am using the perspective of Ms. Parker and her ilk here, by the way, not my own) then the latter is worse, so perhaps we should send all men home to protect their nether areas.

And the bit about training men to ignore women being assaulted is crazy too. Since when does any military member ignore one of his or her buddies being assaulted for any reason? And since when do men in pain not scream? This kind of right-wing propaganda is just laughable.